Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Balance is the key….so I’ve heard! Balancing my family, my career, and my writing is a challenge and I want to do all of them well! All three have a priority in my life, and the balancing act is a huge learning process. But, as with anything in my life, my family comes first. Writing is a magical fairy-tale world, but I have to remember that I’m living a fairy-tale of my own. Sometimes it is difficult to turn off everything in “the real world” and let my mind fall into that magical place where the characters start telling me what they are doing!
Who is your favorite character from your book and why?
This is a tough one! A lot of the characters are inspired by people that I have in my life, and they all bring something into my life that I couldn’t live without—and really, add a richness to my story because I know them so well! But, one of my favorites is Sarah’s little brother, Matty. He is most closely related to my younger brother---even named after my brother’s middle name, Matthew. It was easy to write about Sarah and Matty’s friendship since my brother and I have the same bond.
How about your least favorite character? What makes them less appealing to you?
There are a couple that make my skin crawl----but none more so than MARGARET! She is hurtful, manipulative, self-centered…..and downright evil! I wish I could think of one redeeming quality of hers, but I just can’t.
Who designed the covers?
I’ve worked with two fabulously talented cover designers for my books---and both are wonderful people! Not only are Damonza and Najla Qamber Designs extremely talented artists, but they are patient and willing to do whatever it takes for the covers to be just right!
What can readers who enjoy your book do to help make it successful?
It means so much to me when a reader takes a moment to contact me. Emails and Facebook messages telling me how my story has affected them, or that they are anxious for the next book, are still surreal moments for me! I am always so appreciative that they have let my story into their lives, and then to tell me about it, is a gift they give to me! But, when I hear that someone recommended my book to someone else, that’s one of the highest compliments I can receive. It truly is, what my dreams are made of!
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